Workshops and Training

You experience in a small interactive group as a participant of the workshops your own „handling“ and changeability of your life situation in a playful and creative way. You find new combinations in your way of thinking, gaining new insights about yourself. These insights contribute to clarity and orientation in your life situation, which may strengthen and encouraging you. You can retrieve the pictorial „anchors“ for yourself in significant situations in your life later on. I will guide and lead you through the workshop. The images, thoughts, visions and interpretations are of course those of yourself. They serve as a basis for a coaching conversation.

Workshop Topics:

  • Scribble creatively – change of perspective playfully
  • Experimental printing – expanding the comfort zone
  • Intuitive oil painting – recognize drive patterns, capability to come into action.

Training Topic:

  • Intercultural sensitivity training

You learn about communication stiles, stereotypes, prejudices and cultural influenced solving strategies. In professionally guided, bicultural role plays, you will learn to better interpret and understand situations with people from different cultural background. During the setting, situations you have actually experienced can be acted out and clarified.


Especially about Coaching and Visual Design.